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  • In astrology sometimes hear the term “root chart” thrown around. What does it mean?

    A root chart is a foundational being in which new charts and beings plant themselves.

    For example, every birthday, your “Solar Return Chart” is a new, annual chart that indicates a set of energies and situations shaping the year ahead. But this chart does not exist in a vacuum! It has a fundamental relationship with the “root” of your birth chart. The most commonly used root chart is the natal.

    Understanding the nourishing dynamics of roots is also key for the practice of electional astrology—the action-focused astrology of selectively timing important initiatives. Time is our soil, and astrology gives us tools to plant and harvest in the most fruitful seasons.

    In this free webinar, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the root of your birth chart nourishes, and is nourished by the things you bring into the world. Your prosperous projects. Your celebrated creations. Your wild, wondrous worlds. You’ll begin to transform your understanding of the collaborative potentials of time.


Want to co-create with your birth chart’s natural rhythms? Find flow & footing in the tides of time?

Join Initiate Launchpad, a 6-month mentorship

About the Instructor

Drew Levanti is an astrologer, teacher, and poet who facilitates epiphanies about the interweaving of self, soul, and world.

His flagship offering is Initiate, now in its 3rd year.