

Attunement Sessions

Attunement Sessions are the signature natal astrology offering at Archē.

These sessions center the client from the perspective of their birth chart. Attunements are open to any level of astrological knowledge.

In Attunement Sessions, astrologer and client co-create a container of deep listening, exploring times past, present, and future.

Being with the chart helps us affirm the enough-ness of who & where you are, and guide us toward innate possibilities.


Electional Astrology

Time is like soil. Each moment has specific nutrients & potentials for growth.

When we elect a time, we align with a certain nutrient profile, a certain energy & potential.

Drew brings attention, care, and deep vision to your astrological elections, helping you find the most fertile & nourishing moments to begin what matters most.

Marriage, community, business, employment, surgery, real estate, planetary magics—everyone has a time meant for them.


Archē Strategy

Archē Strategy is a retainer service that offers sustained guidance to a wide range of individuals and goals.

Strategy Clients typically meet with Drew monthly, while some choose to meet more frequently.

Clients’ goals within the Strategy container are often multiple and fluctuate: they often include personal development with the natal chart, initiating or navigating a personal magical practice, and selecting favorable times for business endeavors or personal pursuits.



At a certain point, it becomes hard to learn on your own. As a tutor and mentor, Drew supports you through his scholarship, familiarity with traditional source materials, as well as practical experience in client work.

Students of many learning styles and budgets are invited to study with Drew.